Environmental Policy

Sherwood are committed to minimising any adverse impact on the environment from our activities. The club will operate in compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and we will strive to use pollution prevention and environmental best practice in all we do.
We have been accredited with the STEM Silver Level 2 by the South East Business Carbon Hub and Kent County Council. This is the second step towards BS8555 and ISO 14001 accreditation. 
Our commitment is to:
  • Prevent pollution of land, air and water from the clubs premises and its activities
  •  Identify and manage key risks and ensure that arrangements are in place to respond to foreseeable environmental incidents and emergencies
  •  Review the actual and potential environmental impacts of all the club’s activities, including those affecting the local community
  • Minimise energy consumption by improving energy efficiency in line with available resources by implementing the use of renewable energy sources wherever possible
  • Promote waste minimisation, re-use and recycling of waste and monitoring waste transfer arrangements to ensure safe disposal
  • Develop environment friendly travel plans, which address travel to and from matches
  • Continually look for ways to reduce energy use and water consumption during the cricket seasons and during the winter months
  • Promote a culture of environmental awareness throughout the Club as a whole
  • Encourage suppliers of goods and services to adopt best environmental practices and procure goods from sustainable sources wherever possible
  • Demonstrate our responsibility as a good neighbour by actively supporting environmental initiatives in the local community

Sherwood aims to become the leading club in Medway adopting best practices and technologies for energy, water and environmental management.

To date, we have achieved the following:

  • Installed a 9.36kwp Solar pv system
  • Installed 250mm of additional Loft Insulation
  • Installed PIR Switches in toilets and changing rooms
  • Installed Waste and re-cycling bins 
  • Installed a passivenergy monitoring, management and reporting system to reduce energy costs
  • Replaced lighting with LED energy efficient lighting (83% savings)
  • Ability to accurately Calculate our Carbon Footprint

We have plans to undertake the following (subject to funding):

  • Install a pre-heat Thermal Water tank
  • Install a voltage optmiser to reduce energy consumption
  • Install a Rainwater Harvesting System
  • Install an Irrigation System for the playing surface